Carnegie Mellon University

Mauricio Soto

Dr. Mauricio Soto (CS 2021)

  • WEH 4103
5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213


Hi, my name is Mauricio Soto, though I usually go by "Mau". I am a Software Engineering PhD Student at the Institute for Software Research (SCS) at Carnegie Mellon University. I am advised by Dr. Claire Le Goues.

I come from Costa Rica, the land of hapiness, coffee and sloths. Before I came to CMU, I made my undergrad in Computer Science in the University of Costa Rica. I also worked in several different companies and universities in different positions, all of them related to software engineering. I am a very happy person, I play the saxophone, and I love salsa dancing. Now I'm learning to play the bagpipes for the glory of CMU :)


I am primarily interested in problems relating automatic error repair, software evolution, maintainability, program analysis, program repair, and software assurance. I am currently working with my advisor Claire Le Goues in extending a project for automatic bug repair in Java using genetic algorithms called GenProg, which combines stochastic search methods like genetic programming with lightweight program analyses to find patches for real bugs in existing software.

In my latest study we performed an empirical study in which we gather data of what humans do to patch their bugs and mimic this behavior in order to obtain variants that are more likely to succeed in patching the bug, and also are easier to maintain and understand.


Soto et al. A deeper look into bug fixes: Patterns, replacements, deletions, and additions; MSR Challenge 2016. International Conference on Mining Software Repositories

Soto et al. Analyzing the Impact of Social Attributes on Commit Integration Success; MSR Challenge 2017. International Conference on Mining Software Repositories