Carnegie Mellon University

Shang-Wen Cheng

Dr. Shang-Wen Cheng (CS 2008)

5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213


After completing his Software Engineering Ph.D. in 2008, Dr. Owen Cheng was excited to apply the architectural thinking that he honed during his time working on software architecture and self-healing systems with his advisor, Dr. David Garlan. Dr. Cheng has applied model-based software engineering practices to develop, test, and operate flight software for the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory before joining the Uber Advanced Technologies Group in 2016. As a Senior Software Engineer with Uber ATG, Dr. Cheng has purveyed best software engineering practices across a variety of projects, including onboard vehicle telemetry.

Advisor: David Garlan

Thesis: CMU-ISR-08-113 Rainbow: Cost-Effective Software Architecture-Based Self-Adapation


Shang-Wen Cheng and David Garlan. Handling Uncertainty in Autonomic Systems. To appear in the International Workshop on Living with Uncertainties (IWLU'07), co-located with ASE'07, November 5, 2007, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. /IWLU07-HandlingUncertainties-2007-10-15-web.pdf

Shang-Wen Cheng, David Garlan and Bradley Schmerl. Architecture-based Self-adaptation in the Presence of Multiple Objectives. In ICSE 2006 Workshop on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS), Shanghai, China, 21-22 May 2006.

Shang-Wen Cheng, David Garlan and Bradley Schmerl. Making Self-Adaptation an Engineering Reality. Proceedings of the Conference on Self-Star Properties in Complex Information Systems, Vol. 3460 of LNCS, Springer-Verlag, 2005.

Shang-Wen Cheng, Robert Nord and Judith Stafford. WICSA Wiki WAN Party:
Capturing experience in software architecture best practices. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, Volume 30, Number 1, January 2005.

David Garlan, Shang-Wen Cheng, An-Cheng Huang, Bradley
Schmerl, and Peter Steenkiste, Rainbow: Architecture-Based Self-Adaptation with Reusable Infrastructure. IEEE Computer Vol. 37 Num. 10, October 2004.

Shang-Wen Cheng, An-Cheng Huang, David Garlan, Bradley Schmerl, and Peter Steenkiste, An Architecture for Coordinating Multiple Self-Management Systems. Proceedings of the 4th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architectures, Oslo, Norway, June 11-14, 2004, pp. 243-252.

David Garlan, Shang-Wen Cheng, and Bradley Schmerl, Increasing System Dependability through Architecture-based Self-repair, in Architecting Dependable Systems, R. de Lemos, C. Gacek, A. Romanovsky (Eds), Springer-Verlag, 2003.

Shang-Wen Cheng, David Garlan, Bradley Schmerl, João Pedro Sousa, Bridget Spitznagel, and Peter Steenkiste, Using Architectural Style as a Basis for Self-repairSoftware Architecture: System Design, Development, and Maintenance (Proceedings of the 3rd Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture) Jan Bosch, Morven Gentleman, Christine Hofmeister, Juha Kuusela (Eds), Kluwer Academic Publishers, August 25-31, 2002. pp. 45-59.

David Garlan, Andrew J. Kompanek, and Shang-Wen Cheng, Reconciling the Needs of Architectural Description with Object-Modeling NotationsScience of Computer Programming, Volume 44, 2001, Elsevier Press, pp. 23-49.

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